
  • Field Trips and Groups

    General Education Program Information Free field trip programs are offered at two sites at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society provides programs at the Environmental Education Center in Alviso. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducts field trips at the Refuge Headquarters in Fremont.

  • Watershed Watchers

    The purpose of the Watershed Watchers program and SCVURPPP is to prevent urban runoff pollution (pollution coming from a myriad of sources, such as oils from vehicles, detergents from washing things outside, pesticides, litter, and pet waste).

  • Blue Goose School Bus

    The program goal is to provide under-served local Title 1 schools access to meaningful programs held at the refuge’s Environmental Education Center in Alviso and the Newark Slough Learning Center in Fremont.

  • Marsh-In Summer Camp

    Marsh-In Summer Camp is a yearly tradition at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge that began in 1980. This free day camp introduces children entering 1st-6th grade to the Refuge.