Get to know all about us

Our Mission

Preserving biodiversity and fostering awareness through community engagement in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Empowering conservation through community engagement, education, and advocacy, the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society is dedicated to preserving the natural heritage and biodiversity of the San Francisco Bay Area. By fostering a deep connection between people and wildlife, we strive to inspire stewardship, foster environmental literacy, and protect San Francisco Bay Area habitats for the benefit of present and future generations.


Our conservation efforts are dedicated to preserving the rich biodiversity and natural habitats of the San Francisco Bay Area. Through proactive initiatives such as habitat restoration projects and sustainable management practices, we work tirelessly to safeguard the diverse ecosystems that define our region.


Our educational programs aim to deepen the community’s understanding of wildlife conservation and environmental stewardship in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through various programs, community-based activities, volunteering, and interactive field trips, We aim to bring awareness and education to the beautiful San Francisco Bay Wildlife.


Through advocacy, we serve as a voice for wildlife and habitats in the San Francisco Bay Area. We advocate for policies and practices that prioritize conservation, sustainable development, and the protection of endangered species. By engaging with policymakers, stakeholders, and the community, we work to ensure that environmental concerns are addressed and that our natural resources are preserved for future generations.

Join us for our Mission

Environmental Education

Empowering Conservation Through Education: Inspiring the community to understand, appreciate, and protect our San Franciso Bay wildlife and ecosystems through engaging educational programs and initiatives.

Habitat Restoration

Revitalizing Our Natural Heritage: Restoring and preserving critical habitats in the San Francisco Bay Area to support diverse wildlife populations, enhance ecosystem resilience, and ensure a sustainable future for all.

Conservation Advocacy

Championing Wildlife Protection: Advocating for policies, practices, and partnerships that safeguard wildlife habitats, promote conservation efforts, and advocate for sustainable management of our natural resources in the San Francisco Bay Area.

To make the planet lively

Discover how the SF Bay Wildlife Society is dedicated to preserving and restoring the diverse ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay Area. Explore conversation projects, learn about local wildlife, and find opportunities to get involved in protecting our environment for future generations.

To save the Rain Water

Discover how we're working to capture and utilize rainwater to support the diverse habitats and wildlife of the San Francisco Bay Area. Learn about our conservation efforts, educational programs, and how you can contribute to preserving our precious water resources for the benefit of local ecosystems

To make Forests Greener

Explore our conservation initiatives focused on reforestation, habit restoration, and sustainable forest management practices. Join us in our efforts to preserve these vital ecosystems for the benefit of wildlife and future generations

Our Team

Madison Cline

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Aja Yee

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Mary Deschene

Mary came to us from Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge in Albuquerque. As Founding Board Member of the Friends of Valle de…

Sirena Lao

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Board 2024-2025

  • Ceal Craig
  • Neil Butani
  • Avleen Kohli
  • Grace Koz
  • Christopher Kitting, PhD
  • Ravi Kohli
  • Deepak Nettem
  • Namit Saksena

Volunteers 2024-2025

  • Sukhmani Grover
  • Beily Pan
Become a Volunteer