Our Partners

These long-term partners help our organization to thrive and grow. Their support enables us to provide public programs and activities and foster a spirit of environmental stewardship for all ages.

United States Fish and Wildlife Service

SFBWS is an integral part of the Visitor Services staff at the Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, providing public programs, volunteer recruitment, management and support, as well as visitor center services. The local agency is responsible for management of the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex including seven unique National Wildlife Refuges: Don Edwards San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, Marin Islands, Antioch Dunes, Salinas River, Ellicott Slough, and the Farallon Islands.

Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program

SCVURPPP funds the SFBWS Watershed Watchers program and has done that for over 25 years. SCVURPPP is an association of thirteen cities and towns in Santa Clara Valley, the County of Santa Clara, and the Santa Clara Valley Water District that share a common National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) municipal stormwater permit to discharge stormwater to San Francisco Bay.


Cargill has been a funding partner of SFBWS for many years. In recent years, providing funding for Summer Camp and Restoration Education programs. Combining 159 years of experience with new innovations and insights, Cargill serves as a trusted partner for food, agriculture, financial and industrial customers. With a unique role spanning the global supply chain, Cargill brings a world of possibilities — delivered locally. They can be found in 70 countries with over 1,000 locations with over 160,000 employees.

Wildlife Heritage Foundation

As a partner, for several years, WHF has funded a part-time staff position specifically focused on the Warm Springs vernal pools within the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR. WHF is a statewide land trust currently preserving over 100,000 acres of ecologically significant land and water resources and regularly engages and cooperates with land trusts, conservation organizations, public agencies, project proponents and other land stewards that require expertise in the area of the protection of wildlife and open space habitat in perpetuity.

Electronic Arts

The EA location based in the Peninsula has been a funding partner for three years and helped SFBWS initiate the Peninsula Restoration Education programs. Environment is one of EA’s five main commitments: They strive to do their part to mitigate climate change and conserve natural resources. Across their global footprint, EA is working to use energy and water more efficiently, leverage renewable resources and mitigate what they cannot eliminate.